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Ukrainian and FSU multidisciplinary artists showcase
Svoboda means “Freedom” in both Ukrainian and Russian.
It's an evening celebrating the role of artistic expression in maintaining our freedom and liberty. This one-time event will serve as a meeting place for the Israeli cultural scene and artists from a range of disciplines who have arrived in Israel from Ukraine and Russia and are now seeking a way to make their voices heard in a new country.
Among the thousands of refugees and olim who have arrived since the beginning of the year in the wake of the ongoing war in Ukraine, are dozens of artists from a variety of disciplines — theater, dance,music of all kinds, fine arts, curation, multimedia, film and more. These artists have not only lost their homes but also their professional milieus, their career paths and decades of connections and knowledge.
The Israel Festival aims to help these artists in their time of need by connecting them with the relevant artistic fields here in Israel. In doing so, the festival seeks to enrich Israel’s cultural scene as well. Among these refugees and olim are artists with considerable experience, professional connections across the world, and fresh perspectives to offer. It is crucial that these not be lost in the unimaginable trauma of the refugee experience.
Short presentations by a select number of refugee and olim artists from various disciplines
Networking event for refugee and olim artists. This is an opportunity for these artists to meet their Israeli peers and representatives of Israeli cultural institutions in the hopes of creating fruitful connections.
18.9.2022 at 18:00 Jerusalem Theater, Rebecca Crown Hall David Marcus 20, Jerusalem
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We look forward to seeing you!